Digital Animation

A circle runs in a number eight constantly

 A circle runs in a number eight with application of slow in slow out at the middle
From two different examples above, we can see the difference between the result of slow in slow out, which show more impact on the object which make it more lively
 Comparison of Steady move (Above) and Slow in slow out (Below)
Another comparison of slow in slow out, it bring out the vision of energy burst too

Comparison of With squash and stretch (Left) and squash and stretch (Right)

We can tell the differences between these two bouncing balls, one without application of squash and stretch tells us that it is hard and the other one tell us that it is squeezy and soft

 Motion when a bowling drop on to the hard ground

Hard object dont bounce a lot, so you can see the arc of bouncing are getting smaller

 Motion of a Pendulum

Again, we can see the application of slow in slow out to show the mass of that object swinging

Morphing shapes and colours

Animation Practice
Final Product

Rough Sketch


Base Colour


Detail for other movement

Detail for other movement


Final Project

Story Board

Final Result
Animated by
Woon Kay Ven
Ho Jun Hao
Mak Mun Choon

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